Glaucoma is a disease that affects the optic nerve and can result in a loss of vision due to a buildup of pressure inside the eye, also called intraocular pressure.
Glaucoma has been nicknamed the “sneak thief of sight” because the loss of vision normally occurs gradually over a long period of time and is only recognized when the disease is quite advanced. Often, there are no symptoms associated with glaucoma and once lost, the damaged visual field can never be recovered.
Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide.
If the condition is detected early, it is possible to slow the progression with medical and surgical means.

Types of Glaucoma
Open Angle Glaucoma tends to progress slowly and the patient may not notice that they have lost vision until the disease has progressed significantly.
Closed Angle Glaucoma can appear suddenly and is often painful. The discomfort often leads patients to seek medical attention before permanent visual loss occurs.
Dr. Lipstock was the first surgeon in Richmond, VA to utilize Glaucoma Laser Therapy as a primary mode of treatment for most of his patients with glaucoma. This 2 minute procedure performed in our office is painless, safe, and is a more convenient and less expensive alternative to glaucoma treatment with eyedrops.
The laser is used to treat the drainage system of the eye known as the trabecular meshwork and is designed to improve the outflow of fluid from the eye which lowers the pressure inside the eye.