Light Adjustable Lens
Lipstock Lasik & Cataract Center is proud to be the first in Virginia to provide the Light Adjustable Lens to greatly minimize your need for eyeglasses after cataract surgery!
What is the Light Adjustable Lens?
The Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) is the first and only FDA approved Intraocular Lens (IOL) that can be adjusted after cataract surgery to reduce the need for eyeglasses.
To minimize the need for eyeglasses after cataract surgery, measurements are taken before the procedure to calculate what power intraocular lens should be selected to replace a patient’s cloudy natural lens. Unfortunately, these measurements can only give an estimate of the true lens power needed. Various factors exist which limit the accuracy, such as the inaccuracy of the measuring technology and the effects of healing on an individual’s eye. This is why the unique ability to adjust the LAL after the cataract surgery procedure enables such clear visual results without eyeglasses.
See Clearly After Cataract Surgery Without Glasses
Safe, Painless, & Twice As Accurate
With a safe and painless 90 second UV light exposure, we are able to change the shape of the LAL to perfectly match the eye after healing – resulting in the most precise results ever. A recent FDA study showed the LAL achieved 20/20 vision without eyeglasses approximately twice as often as other IOLs.
The LAL can be adjusted after the eye has healed, which enables the results to be precise and customizable. Only with the LAL can you get to see what blended vision will be like after surgery and then adjust your vision to suit your preference. This is a revolutionary advance in enabling cataract patients to see both near and far without glasses while maximising their visual clarity and comfort. In fact, the LAL is the only FDA approved IOL that is customizable! We highly recommend the Light Adjustable Lens.
How does LAL work?
The Light Adjustable Lens is made of a special photosensitive material that changes the shape and power of your implanted lens in response to ultraviolet light.
Light treatments are delivered in our office with the revolutionary Light Delivery Device (LDD).

LAL – How It works

What to Expect
- Approximately 3 weeks after surgery, once your eye has healed, you will return to our office to have your vision tested.
- You’ll be able to preview and compare possible vision outcomes based on your preference and lifestyle requirements and select your appropriate prescription.
- We will then apply a light treatment that precisely shapes your implanted lens based on the visual correction needed to target your custom prescription.
- You may need 2-4 light treatments over a period of 3-6 weeks to reach your vision goals
- You will be provided with UV protective eyeglasses to wear to shield your light from daily UV exposure.
- After this time, the final light treatment will lock the IOL shape in place and you will be seeing clearly!