What Is a Cataract?
A cataract occurs when the clear natural lens becomes cloudy, making it more difficult for light rays to pass through the lens onto the retinal nerves in the back of the eye.
What Causes Cataracts?
Cataracts are part of the normal aging process. In fact, everyone has a cataract in both eyes by age 60. As we age, the lens begins to take on a yellowish discoloration which gradually progresses to a dark amber color. In some cases, cataracts can even have a white color.
When cataracts first appear, they do not affect the vision at all, but eventually cause a decrease in vision which can present as a general blur or a problem with glare from lights, particularly when driving at night. When the cataract has advanced enough that the vision is significantly affected, it is time for it to be safely and surgically removed.
Dr. Lipstock is respected worldwide as a leading authority on laser cataract surgery
To learn more about your cataract surgery options, contact us today!
Introduction to cataract surgery
Because everyone’s eyesight and anatomy is different, recovery can vary from person to person. Some people experience clear vision within a few hours of cataract surgery, while others may take up to 2 weeks to see everything in sharpest focus. You should experience complete healing and recovery within a month after your procedure.
What to expect after cataract surgery
- Common symptoms after surgery include temporary blurry vision.
- You may experience a mild foreign body sensation that will be mostly gone by the morning following your procedure.
- You will have a few restrictions, such as avoiding rubbing your eye and keeping contaminants away.
Customize Your Vision Without Eyeglasses
With Advanced Cataract Surgery Procedures

Cataract surgery can also offer the opportunity to correct other vision problems you may be experiencing. Refractive Cataract Surgery can address common vision problems such as nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), irregularly shaped lens (astigmatism), or diminishing ability to focus on near objects such as reading (presbyopia). Dr. Lipstock and the Lipstock LASIK & Cataract Center have been recognized as being at the forefront of Refractive Cataract Surgery for many years.