Cataract Surgery Cost

Cost of Cataract Surgery

Most insurance companies cover most of the cost of standard cataract surgery. For refractive surgery techniques to reduce or eliminate your need for eyeglasses after cataract surgery there are extra charges not covered by medical insurance. These costs vary depending on which technique you opt for. Please speak with a member of our staff for more details.

If you are nearsighted, farsighted, or have astigmatism and want to address these issues at the time of your cataract surgery, ask about your options for blended vision.

Dr, Lipstock’s technique of blended vision helps patients see both near and far without eyeglasses for approximately ⅕ of the cost of other techniques. For detailed information about your options and associated costs, contact Dr. Lipstock’s office.


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With the assistance of advanced cataract procedures from Lipstock LASIK & Cataract Center